Monday, June 1, 2009

The end with a beginning

Yesterday was our last day as the pastors of New Life Assembly. A church family that has made an impact on us as a family to say the least. 

Today it is sinking in that we have stepped away from a wonderful place of ministry and the comfort of an amazing group of people to go to into a chapter in our lives that is uncertain but we know without any question  that this is God's will for us.  

Catherine, Julia, Darrell and I will be in God's hands as we walk this road and we will see amazing things happen in this step of faith.

Words cannot express what wonderful people we have had to chance to bond with in this church and this community.

It was a bitter sweet day to say good-bye so that we can say hello to what God has for us in Namibia. 
Our desire is to serve the Namibian church and the people of that beautiful country. 

Our plan in raising our support will be to share our hearts, present the need in as many ways as possible and pray that people will be challenged to be in ministry along with us.  

We pray for individuals to be involved as well as churches. our desire is for people to be aware of what God is doing in Namibia through e-mail and letters, we want to keep our supporters involved in our journey.

You might not go to another country physically but you can be part of placing us there and in this you'll be impacting this part of the world.

We'd also appreciate your commitment to praying for us as we'll pray for you.  Pray is vital and knowing that we have individuals promising to pray for us would mean so very much.  

So you may ask when are we going and how are we going to get there. We can draw a salary once we reach 60% and go to the field when we reach 75% of our budget. Our plan is to keep you up to date with where we are in the matter. 

Please pray for us that God will help us to be ready and funded to go to Namibia in the fall of 09.

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